“How Long?”

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional

By: Pastor Jeremy Heikkinen



  So, “how long” did it take you before you asked someone else their “how long” request? “How long” was your conversation? Okay, okay, I will stop asking “how long.”

But seriously, have you asked someone or talked with someone about what has you asking that question these days? This was the main theme of Psalm 13 that we walked through last Sunday.

Believe it or not, I did my own homework! Since Sunday, I have asked a couple of people their “How Long” request. Their transparency was refreshing because it takes away the idea that what I am experiencing is somehow unique; as if I am the only one that struggles in a particular way. Whatever it is that we struggle with, the hardest part can often be…How Long? 

The longer we carry the burden the more difficult it can become. Now, I am definitely a fan of “time under tension” to grow muscle in the body. Yet, all of us have our limits. That is why God’s Word tells us to bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2) and cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us. (1 Pet. 5:7)

I came across a vivid illustration of this the other day as I was praying for our deacons. 

As many of you know, I would rather be outside walking while I pray than in my office. While on my walk I saw in the distance a mother out for a walk with a toddler, stroller, and the family dog! What caught my attention was the large stick (basically a small tree!) the dog was carrying. 

As our paths crossed we had a short conversation. Apparently, the toddler found the stick and wanted to bring it home, but could not carry it the whole way. At some point on their walk, the toddler put down the stick and the dog carried it the rest of the way. What a picture of what God does for us! 

How often do we feel the same, like we cannot carry this burden any more? Even though dogs have the reputation of being “man’s best friend,” they pale in comparison to the “friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Prov. 18:24) 

Are you carrying a burden that you need to give to Jesus? What is preventing you from giving it all to Him? How heavy does it have to become until you hand it over? Who are you going to talk with this week?


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