• Walking by Faith
    By: Ed Sywyk   For a long time, when I walked down the street, I would walk with my head looking down at my feet. Why? I wasn’t walking by faith. Instead of using the cane I received from CNIB to guide me, I took matters into my own hands.  One sunny day in February,… Read more: Walking by Faith

  • Be Ready
    Be Ready

    By: John Kerr   When Brenda and I with our three children headed west, we ended up in a little town of less than one thousand people called Hudson Hope. The main reason for its existence is to serve as a hydro town for the W.A.C. Bennett dam. This imposing structure is one of the… Continue reading

  • There’s Hope
    There’s Hope

    By: Rebecca Feere   The book of Psalms, with its rich and relatable content, mirrors our human experiences. The Psalmists, in their raw and honest expressions, cover a wide spectrum of emotions that we all experience. Love, anger, frustration, delight, fear, doubt, despair, praise, and hope are just a few that find their voice in… Continue reading

  • The Best Dragon Story
    The Best Dragon Story

    By: Pastor Lars   I enjoy a good dragon story. I remember reading excitedly about the mythological many-headed Hydra, Beowulf’s fight with the dragon, Tolkien’s Smaug in The Hobbit, and Lewis’ Eustace-turned-dragon in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  I used to have a large poster in my workshop of a sky-scraper-sized dragon blowing fire… Continue reading

  • All Things at All Times
    All Things at All Times

    By: Casey Korstanje   “I believe grace is everywhere. It is all around us. If only we had the humility to acknowledge our need and take advantage of it.”  I wish I had said that.   It is a line offered by a minor character in a period rom/com which otherwise followed the cliche pattern of… Continue reading

  • Busy for Jesus?
    Busy for Jesus?

    By: Pastor Jeremy   ● 500 Words  ● Passage of Scripture  ● Question  ● Personal story  “I’ve got nothing”…  Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever said that?  All of us live in different seasons and rhythms that are met with different pressures. Where are you these days? Do you feel like you… Continue reading

  • Accepted

    By: John Kerr   I was blessed with the most wonderful in-laws a guy could ask for. But I often wonder what they thought when Brenda brought me home to meet her family.  I looked more like I came off a rock band poster than the cover of a romance book! I had a big… Continue reading