Connection Opportunity Information Form

Step 1 of 2

Connection Opportunity Information

Please provide the details of the get-together or event you are suggesting. (ie. weekly club, monthly fellowship, etc.)

Meeting Details

Please provide the details of when, where, and how you’d like your Connection Opportunity to meet. This helps us gain a sense of how it may fit into the overall church schedule as well as provide us with the necessary details for the church website and other forms of communication to let the church family know about this opportunity.
What’s the ideal date that you’d like the Connection Opportunity to begin?
(eg. monthly, weekly, monthly except for summer etc.)
Please type any days that the Connection Opportunity will skip meeting due to holidays, long weekends, school PA days, etc.
What’s the final date that the Connection Opportunity is likely to meet?
If “Other location” please add that information to the “Other Details” box at the end of the form.
(e.g. study guides, logos, graphs, etc.)
Please share with us any other details you think we should know.