• Put Those Walking Shoes On!
    By: John Kerr   My Grandfather or Granda, as we called him, used to love to walk. As far as I know, he never learned to drive.     When he was much younger, he also used to cycle but as he got older, and as I really knew him, I know that he loved to… Read more: Put Those Walking Shoes On!

  • Making Time for God’s Priorities: Schedule the Big Rocks First
    Making Time for God’s Priorities: Schedule the Big Rocks First

    Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Shannon Green Being a teacher, the start of a new school year always feels like a fresh start. I would say that September feels more like a new year to me than January does. I love nothing more than getting some new pens and coloured markers and cracking open… Continue reading

  • Godly Communication
    Godly Communication

    Challenge Central:Godly Communication By: Pastor Jeremy Heikkinen How is life today? My day started off a little earlier than normal due to the cries coming from the boys’ room. Trust me, this is not my preferred method of waking up! But it did allow me to read God’s Word while we sat together on the… Continue reading

  • “Help Me!” “Change Me!” “Make Me!”
    “Help Me!” “Change Me!” “Make Me!”

    Challenge Central:“Help Me!” “Change Me!” “Make Me!” By: Pastoral Intern Lars Janssen I felt that this sin had me trapped. I had cried out to God for help, I had asked my friends for help, and I had set up boundaries in my life to help. I would pray about this sin like Paul did… Continue reading

  • Challenge Central: The Covid Pause
    Challenge Central: The Covid Pause

    Challenge Central:The Covid Pause By: Rebecca Feere It was right about this time last year that we started to hear about the Coronavirus and Covid-19. And, truth be told, most of us were quite sure it would never reach us and that what was happening in China would never happen here in Canada. If I… Continue reading