Walking by Faith

By: Ed Sywyk


For a long time, when I walked down the street, I would walk with my head looking down at my feet. Why? I wasn’t walking by faith. Instead of using the cane I received from CNIB to guide me, I took matters into my own hands. 

One sunny day in February, during COVID, I was wearing a face mask and sunglasses. My eye doctor wanted me to protect my eyes by wearing sunglasses as much as possible. Well, for some reason, the face mask caused my breathing to fog up the sunglasses. While I thought I was crossing the street at an intersection, I heard a man yelling from his car, “You are walking down the middle of the road.” 

A couple seconds later, a lady grabbed my arm and guided me back to the sidewalk. 

I thanked her, but I was now unaware of where I was. 

After removing the face mask and sunglasses, I was able to determine where I was and I proceeded to my destination. From that moment on, I began walking with my head down watching my feet. 

But my CNIB counsellor encouraged me to walk with my head up. 

Once you get into a habit, it is hard to break. In my mind, I had all kinds of reasons why I needed to walk with my head down. 

My counsellor only had one reason for walking with my head up. 

“Let the cane be your eyes. Trust in the cane and it won’t let you down. You can do it,” she said, “I know you can.” 

She gave me the dose of faith I needed to hear. She honestly believed I could learn to walk with my head up, trusting the cane to tell me how I was doing. 

Every time I go for a walk outside, I am reminded of the faith I need to apply. I just wish I had the confidence to do it constantly. I try, but sometimes I find myself looking down and I have to remind myself, “Look up!” 

Do you have a habit that is hard to break? Do you have all kinds of reasons why you can’t change? Perhaps you too, need a dose of faith to help you. It can be an ongoing struggle, but it starts with you having faith in someone who is greater than yourself. 

Proverbs 3:5–6

[5] Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

[6] In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths. (ESV)

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