Challenge Central: a CBC devotional
By: Roger Wood
Early Sunday morning on April 3rd, I took a tumble down our front hall stairs, breaking my pelvis and bruising my rib cages. In a few seconds I went from being a healthy senior to one that was facing some months of rehabilitation. Like many men, I thought I could ‘tough it out’ as I resisted the advice of my wife, Cheryll, to call for an ambulance. By early afternoon it was apparent that a trip to the BGH Emergency Dept. was necessary and the paramedics were called.
Under the excellent care of the nurses and doctors, a CT scan was performed from head to toe along with various x-rays. As the day wore on and into Monday, the damage was assessed and a course of action and treatment was laid out. The orthopedic surgeon indicated that the two breaks within my pelvis did not require any surgery and that they would heal quite nicely. He also said that there was no ‘quick fix’ to my road to recovery and it would take time, effort, and patience on my part.
As saved sinners we are all in a sense, ‘on the road to recovery’ from the paralyzing and degenerating power of sin, a pollution of the soul. Pastor Jeremy took us through portions of Romans chapter 6 some weeks ago dealing with salvation, justification and sanctification.
Sanctification is the life-long process of spiritual growth and becoming more like Christ in all aspects of our lives. It is a vital part of every believer’s life. Sanctification isn’t easy. There are no shortcuts. The surgeon told me time, effort, and patience. Perhaps we could substitute those words in our spiritual journey with faithfulness, hard work, and self-discipline.
We are weak, but we are not alone in this process. Sanctification is God’s work, but He performs it through the diligence and obedience of His children.
The challenge, Central? The same as the apostle Paul charged the Thessalonians:
“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24