It’s the Recipe!

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional

By: John Kerr

I have been getting a reputation as an excellent muffin maker!
When Brenda brings muffins to work, rarely does she bring any back home.
I started baking years ago when I was given a muffin pan and a muffin recipe book
as a gift. So I started to bake.
Our children loved it when I baked their favourites. I have baked almost all the
recipes in the book. Many I like, and a few I am not so keen on.
I have been asked many times: “What is your secret?”
To me, the answer is simple: follow the recipe! There is no shortcut; the principle is
always the same.
Usually, when I bake, I think of God and often pray for people. It is a relaxing
pursuit, and it can be fun, too, when I have an eager grandchild helping.
But seriously, there is a lot to learn from my baking endeavours. To bake a
delicious muffin, you need three things: a good recipe, fresh ingredients and a passion for
what you are doing.
That is the same in our Christian life. As a pastor, I resisted the temptation to run
after the latest fad or shortcut to the Christian life. There is no such thing! Paul describes
the Christian life from the point of view of an athlete, a soldier and even a farmer. All
of those require hard work and discipline. There is no shortcut.
Paul says to Timothy, “All scripture is breathed out by God.” You need a good
recipe, and the Word of God is that recipe. It can be demanding, upsetting, and even
disconcerting, but it is what we need for our Christian life.
Then you need good ingredients, as fresh as possible. But you cannot choose what
you prefer if you want the muffins to be good to eat, flour, salt, sugar, baking powder
and/or baking soda, oil and something to bring flavour.
That is also a prerequisite to our growth. You cannot dictate what ingredients will
help you grow. Lastly, there is a passion, a desire to make something that will bring a
smile to someone’s face. Does your life bring a smile to God’s face?
I have gone on from baking muffins to baking bread. My bread is quite popular
too! I have been told I should open a bake shop. My next challenge will be to bake a pie,
but I am intimidated by the baking of some special women in my life! But that is another

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