
By: Pastor Jeremy Heikkinen


What do you think of when you hear the word…TRAIN!!?? 

For me, it takes me back to summer camp and pranking one of my friends. We were told, that if you put a flashlight in someones eyes while they are sleeping, yell “TRAIN!” and hit them with a pillow that they will have a dream of being hit by a train. So, in our pre-pubescent wisdom, we thought we should give it a try. 

While on sabbatical this summer, the idea of a train surfaced again, but in a different “light.” 

Here is the analogy: At any given time, the “train of life” is on two tracks, satisfaction/enjoyment/blessing and disappointment/hurt/suffering. 

We see this truth wind its way through the landscape of the Scriptures. Think about Noah and the Ark, the Exodus, Mt. Sinai, the Promised Land, Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim, etc. 

All of these events on the “Train of Life” touch both tracks. Take the Exodus for example (Exodus 12). The Israelites are delivered right after the death of the firstborn. There is rejoicing and loss all in the same event. Those that followed God’s directives to put the blood of a spotless lamb on the doorpost and lintel experienced deliverance. Those that did not experienced death. 

This touched everyone from the palace to the prison, no one was left out. The people on the train are in the same spot with the same circumstances yet, depending on how the train turns, more weight is given to one or the other track. 

Suffice to say, not everyone’s expectations and experiences are the same as the person right next to them. At the same time, we would be naive to think that just because we are on the train “bound for glory” that we will never be touched by disappointment, hurt, and suffering. For years I have thought that my experience must be everyone’s experience. Take for example the prank during summer camp. I thought it was hilarious, but what about my friend that got hit by the pillow in his sleep? I am coming to realize that it is okay to acknowledge both tracks in my life and allow both tracks in the experience of others. 

My prayer is that for all the twist and turns of life, we at Central will allow for honest conversations about hard things and that we will encourage one another to trust in the conductor of our train, the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Which track best describes your expectations, experiences, and emotions this week?

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