Tag: worshipgrowandserve

Ephesians Growth Group Time Change + Dinner!

If you’ve been considering joining the Ephesians Growth Group that meets every other Thursday, now’s a great time! The group is now meeting from 5:30-7:30 PM so they can get home and get the kids to bed at a better time. They will also be eating dinner together each time they meet, so if you […]

The Great Anticipation

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional By: Pastor Lars Janssen A friend of mine recently expressed his gratitude for the sense of anticipation that accompanies enjoyable events in life. We discussed how we associate this positive anxious feeling with vacations, holidays, seeing friends, special events, and even getting to eat food we enjoy. In a matter […]

Are You a “Practicing” Christian?

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional By: Casey Korstanje An American polling company recently decided to study what effect the Covid-19 pandemic had on churches and church life. What struck me was their methodology. When presenting its conclusions, the company said it had polled “practicing Christians” for its research. The firm defined a “practicing Christian” as […]