Challenge Central: a CBC devotional By: John Kerr Do you remember, as children, being afraid of monsters or, in some cultures, the boogeyman? As we grow up, we usually outgrow these childish fears, or do we? When I lived out west, I enjoyed the freedom of riding along quiet roads that cut through the rugged […]
Tag: worshipgrowandserve
This Is The Way
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional By: Pastor Lars Janssen If the phrase “this is the way” makes you think of a popular television show set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, you’re probably celebrating Star Wars Day today. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that’s perfectly fine. But […]
Can We Be Honest?
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional By: Shannon Green How are you? No, really, how are you? How is your heart? How many times a day do you pass someone and ask that question or have that question asked of you? What is the response? Good or fine? Is it true, though? When we ask, do […]
Are We There Yet?
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional By: Roger Wood Much of our teaching time in the Pioneer Boy’s Club this year has been spent in the land of Egypt. Coach Jeff started with the magnificent account of Joseph’s life and the beginnings of the nation of Israel. Joseph dies, and his stalwart reputation among the Egyptians […]
Downcast Heart, Dialogue, Discovery
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional By: Pastor Jeremy Heikkinen So, what does this sound like to verbalize a downcast heart in an honest conversation that leads to discovering hope found in Jesus? Well, the other day, someone walked into my office. You could tell something was bothering him by how he walked in, put his […]