Category: Challenge Central

All Hands on Deck!

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Roger Wood As we study through the book of Nehemiah and the fascinating details of rebuilding the gates and the walls of Jerusalem, we have learned that this monumental task was completed in just fifty-two days. How was this possible under such adverse conditions? Let me take you back […]

You WILL Have An Impact On Others

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Alan Rietberg I think there are a lot of us who wonder what difference we could ever make in this world. We may think we don’t have much of a “voice” in our personal world let alone world events because of our age, athletic abilities, physical appearance, finances, social […]

We Agree to Christian Sympathy

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Lars Janssen At Central, we want to become more like Jesus in everything we do. We want to do this so much that every member has signed a church covenant agreeing to pursue this aim together. In the second-last paragraph of our church covenant, we agreed “to aid one another in […]

Making Time for God’s Priorities: Schedule the Big Rocks First

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Shannon Green Being a teacher, the start of a new school year always feels like a fresh start. I would say that September feels more like a new year to me than January does. I love nothing more than getting some new pens and coloured markers and cracking open […]