Author: Central Baptist

You WILL Have An Impact On Others

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Alan Rietberg I think there are a lot of us who wonder what difference we could ever make in this world. We may think we don’t have much of a “voice” in our personal world let alone world events because of our age, athletic abilities, physical appearance, finances, social […]

We Agree to Christian Sympathy

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Lars Janssen At Central, we want to become more like Jesus in everything we do. We want to do this so much that every member has signed a church covenant agreeing to pursue this aim together. In the second-last paragraph of our church covenant, we agreed “to aid one another in […]

Making Time for God’s Priorities: Schedule the Big Rocks First

Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Shannon Green Being a teacher, the start of a new school year always feels like a fresh start. I would say that September feels more like a new year to me than January does. I love nothing more than getting some new pens and coloured markers and cracking open […]