Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Lars Janssen Have you ever had an industrious young person, maybe 10 or 12 years old, knock on your door and ask if you would pay him to shovel your driveway? This tends to happen once or twice a winter in my neighbourhood. I usually give a polite, […]
Author: Central Baptist
The Bible’s Godwink?
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Casey Korstanje Song of Solomon 2:10–13 (ESV) [10] My beloved speaks and says to me: “Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away, [11] for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. [12] The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has […]
“You’re Just Like…”
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Alan Rietberg I wonder if these words have ever been said to you: “you’re just like your father” or “you’re just like your mother” or “you’re just like _________” (fill in the blank). Our characteristics, qualities, or abilities are always being viewed and often compared to someone else—sometimes […]
He Will Hold Me Fast
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Jeremy Heikkinen What are you singing these days? Songs have the tendency to get stuck in our heads and we cannot help but sing alone or rehearse the lyrics to ourselves throughout the day. Over the last couple of months, Paul Nicholson and I have had the opportunity […]
A Leader Who Follows?
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Lars Janssen Take a moment and list the first five names that come to mind when you think of a leader. Now consider how many of those names were politicians, heads of organizations, or authoritative figures. Every name on my list fell into one of those categories. Now […]