Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Jeremy Heikkinen Anger is not your friend! As I was walking on yard duty today, a student slowly made his way in my direction with his head down. As he got closer he muttered that he needed to walk with me for the rest of recess because of […]
Author: Central Baptist
“Without you there, someone is missing.”
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Lars Janssen I have a sister-in-law who has the spiritual gift of hospitality. She naturally understands the difference between “hospitality” (graciously sharing what you have) and “entertaining” (putting on a diverting or engaging event). I only began to truly appreciate her gift when we had an extended family […]
Through the Lens of Eternity
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Jessi Heikkinen We have hope. My heart has been tempted to drown in hopelessness this past week watching the world begin to turn upside down… again. I have found myself beginning to despair. I am grieving for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing immediate suffering in […]
Our Main Goal
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Alan Rietberg Imagine with me for a moment that someone walks up to you and says “I’ve just heard about something called COVID-19. What’s that all about?” What would be your first thoughts? Or “Was there something going on in Ottawa that had to do with trucks?” What […]
How is Your Aim?
Challenge Central: a CBC devotional by: Pastor Jeremy Heikkinen 2 Cor. 5:9-10 says, “So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in […]