Growth Group Information Form
If you'd like to start a new Growth Group at Central, we'd love to help equip you in getting it started! Please fill out this form with all the pertinent details. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Upon review of your submission, one of our Pastors and/or the Deacon overseeing Growth Groups will be in touch with you shortly with information on the next steps to be taken. Growth Group Leader Qualifications - Salvation: demonstrates that Jesus Christ is his/her Lord and Saviour - Spiritual maturity: reveals a maturity in the faith; not a new convert (1 Timothy 3:6) - Gift of speaking (ie. evangelism, prophecy, teaching, exhortation, or shepherding): an effective Bible Study leader has a speaking gift (1 Peter 4:10-11) and the Lord has equipped him/her to communicate God’s word, encourage others to follow the Lord and to obey His Word, and mentor others towards Growth Group leadership. - Called: knows and understands that God has called him/her to leadership and its responsibilities - Doctrinal Statement: agrees with the doctrines of Central Baptist Church Brantford; holds membership with the church
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Study Information

Please provide the details of the study or format you'd like to use for your Growth Group.
Who wrote or produced the material you're planning on using?
If you're planning to study a book, video series, or other material, where can it be found online?

Meeting Details

Please provide the details of when, where, and how you'd like your Growth Group to meet. This helps us gain a sense of how it may fit into the overall church schedule as well as provide us with the necessary details for the church website and other forms of communication to let the church family know about the Growth Group.
What's the ideal date that you'd like the Growth Group to begin?
(e.g. 12-week book study, 8-week video series, etc.)
(e.g. study guides, logos, graphs, etc.)
Please share with us any other details you think we should know.